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Cũ 02-07-2012, 09:48 AM
anoanh anoanh đang online
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Mặc định KillerMobile BlackBaller Pro - Chặn cuộc gọi và tin nhắn.

Hệ thống quảng cáo

KillerMobile BlackBaller Pro v3.0 S60v3 v5 SymbianOS9.x Unsigned -FoXPDA

Merge of BlackBaller with AutoPilot is finally complete and it's called
BlackBaller Pro. All current registered S60 BlackBaller & AutoPilot users can
upgrade for free. BlackBaller Pro is a complete rebuild from the ground up making it one of the best Call Management Utilities available for Symbian
S60 devices and is fully comaptible with S60 3rd & 5th edition devices.*
Non-Nokia devices can stil use the app as well, but won't be able to utilitze
the answering machine funtionality.

Features :
  • Instantly rejects Calls, SMS and MMS messages
  • Supports Blacklists and Whitelists
  • The easist most user friendly app around - true Killer Mobile style
  • Smart Reject Sensor (tm)lets you add blocked callers on the fly!
  • Tight integration with contacts
  • Real "Run in Background" mode
  • Complete log off all blocked Calls and Messages
  • Optional SMS Auto Reply
Whats New :
New features include profile & time based lists, a much more powerful &
flexible filtering mechanism, ability to play greetings to and record messages
from incoming callers, faster call filtering, 100% silent SMS filtering and
much, much more Attached Files
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Cũ 02-07-2012, 09:48 AM
thudinh thudinh đang online
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Hệ thống quảng cáo

KillerMobile BlackBaller Pro v3.20.1 S60v3 v5 SymbianOS9.x Unsigned -FoXPDA

BlackBaller / BlackBaller Pro is an easy to use Call & Message (SMS/MMS) handling application
The program allows you to setup preferences as how to handle calls/SMS/MMS from different numbers.
You can choose to filter calls, auto respond via SMS or use the application like an answering machine (BlackBaller Pro Only).

With BlackBaller you can:

* Filter Calls & SMS's (Blacklist)
* Auto Reply via SMS to an incoming call or SMS with a pre-formatted message
* Play a voice message to the caller (* Only Available with BlackBaller Pro for S60 3rd & 5th)
* Setup an on-device answering machine (* Only Available with BlackBaller Pro for S60 3rd & 5th)
* View full logs of each Filtered event
* Restore Filtered SMS's to the native messaging app
* Create unique Voice clips for each caller
* And much, much more!

Listen to an in-depth audio review of BlackBaller Pro HERE!

NEW BBPro is highly configureable:

* Set how long the device should ring before taking over the call
* Allows you to interrupt the app even after it takes over the call
* Set the SMS auto-reply to be sent once per day or after every SMS
* Be prompted each time you manually reject a call to add this number to your blacklist
* Create lists that include all Contacts or All non Contacts or even All callers, use patterns with wildcards for the ultimate in flexibility!

Easily create your filters using number(s) from your Phonebook, Call Logs, input them manually or utlilze patterns (even use wildcards).
You can also create a Killer Mobile exclusive "BB Pro List" and group your contacts, patterns or numbers into one single list and setup preferences for the entire list.
All the alls/messages from those numbers will be handled as per the preferences setup in the BB Pro list. Attached Files
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Cũ 02-07-2012, 09:48 AM
cdtour cdtour đang online
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Mặc định

KillerMobile BlackBaller Pro v3.05 S60v3/v5 SymbianOS9.x Unsigned FoXPDA

BlackBaller / BlackBaller Pro is an easy to use Call & Message (SMS/MMS) handling application. The program allows you to
setup preferences as how to handle calls/SMS/MMS from
different numbers. You can choose to filter calls, auto respond
via SMS or use the application like an answering machine
(BlackBaller Pro Only). BlackBaller is one of the original and still
the BEST Call Management Utility on the Market

With BlackBaller you can:

* Filter Calls & SMS's (Including Spam/Marketing SMS's that arrive with letters as the Sender number) (Blacklist) with unlimited flexibility. Filter from your logs, use patterns, contacts, non-contacts and much more!
* Auto Reply via SMS to an incoming call or SMS with a pre-formatted message
* Play a voice message to the caller (* Only Available with BlackBaller Pro for S60 3rd & 5th)
* Setup an on-device answering machine (* Only Available with BlackBaller Pro for S60 3rd & 5th)
* View full logs of each Filtered event
* Restore Filtered SMS's to the native messaging app
* Create unique Voice clips for each caller
* NEW!! Report Spam Numbers to our Country Specific Spam DB, and download the Latest DB to your version of BBPro for truly Killer Spam handling!

Listen to an in-depth audio review of BlackBaller Pro HERE!

NEW BBPro v3.5.0 is highly configureable:

* Set how long the device should ring before taking over the call
* Allows you to interrupt the app even after it takes over the call
* Set the SMS auto-reply to be sent once per day or after every SMS
* Our Exclusive Smart Reject Sensor - Be prompted each time you manually reject a call to add this number to your blacklist
* Create lists that include all Contacts or All non Contacts or even All callers, use patterns with wildcards for the ultimate in flexibility!

Easily create your filters using number(s) from your Phonebook, Call Logs, input them manually or utlilze patterns (even use wildcards). You can also create a Killer Mobile ® exclusive "BB Pro List" and group your contacts, patterns or numbers into one single list and setup preferences for the entire list. All the alls/messages from those numbers will be handled as per the preferences setup in the BB Pro list.


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Cũ 02-07-2012, 09:48 AM
support support đang online
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Hệ thống quảng cáo

BB rất hay, cảm ơn, có thể chặn cuộc gọi mà k nghe dc nhạc nhuông chờ luôn, kinh thiệt, nói luôn cái Mcleaner như .... vậy, thông minh cái dis, tks tks
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Cũ 02-07-2012, 09:48 AM
adi adi đang online
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có ai có pm này còn dùng được không cho em xin. em load mấy file này về toàn bị lỗi thui.
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Cũ 02-07-2012, 09:48 AM
support support đang online
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file giải nén bị lỗi.bro xem lại đi
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Cũ 02-07-2012, 09:48 AM
hungvan_wood hungvan_wood đang online
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giải nén vẫn tốt bạn nhé, khuyến khích bạn giải nén trên PC, đừng dùng x-plore. đây là file đã giải nén
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