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Cũ 02-07-2012, 09:32 AM
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Tham gia ngày: May 2012
Bài gửi: 444
Mặc định MobileEffort Message In Time - Hẹn giờ gửi tin nhắn.

Hệ thống quảng cáo

MobileEffort Message In Time v1.0.12 S60v3 SymbianOS9.x Unsigned-TgSPDA

The program is designed for planning of time when your SMS should be

sent. Via the internal interface you're able to create and manage short

messages in an ordinary way. After the message creation you set date and

time when the system has to wake up and send it. This approach can be useful when you're going to deliver birthday greetings not today but in
several days. Or you intend to remind some of your colleagues to do

important things tomorrow morning. In any case the application will silently

assist you and won't bother when you have little time.

Features :

  • Sending of SMS messages at the specified time and date.
  • Background work. You shouldn’t hold the application in a task list. The operation system will call it in the specified time automatically. So you can even reboot the phone and don’t be worry about planned messages.
  • Messages sending to multiple recipients.
  • Recipients can be added from system contacts or just via inputting their phone numbers.
  • The recipients list contains image avatars from the system Phonebook (Contacts).
  • Repetitive SMS sending, e.g. every hour, day, year.
  • Immediate sending to all recipients without delays.
  • Disabling and enabling of scheduled messages.
  • States of scheduled messages are represented by clear icons – sent, scheduled, validity period failed, disabled, others.
  • A customizable validity period for scheduled messages.

Attached Files MobileEffort.Message.In.Time.v1.0.12.S60v3.Symbian OS9.x.Unsigned-TgSPDA.rar (864.8 KB)
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