View Full Version : Patches dùng để tắt tiếng bip khi ghi âm (dành cho phone đã hack)

05-07-2012, 04:25 PM
; *** Patch: Remove Recording Tone ***
; Remove patch-BB voice call recording
; Author: wadowice
; Date: 09-May-09
; Finishing:segalgx
; Use: rmp patch on the e: \ patches, rompatcher enabled, please select models based on your patch to remove the front snr ";", and the remaining models in the preceding snr ";" shield.
; The default is the n96 patch.
; translated By edibala
; N96
SnR:sys\bin\anserver.dll:400D030030750000:400D0000 30750000
;SnR:sys\bin\AudioServer.dll:400D030070B586B0:400D 000070B586B0
;SnR:sys\bin\AudioServer.dll:400D030010B50169:400D 000010B50169
;SnR:sys\bin\saAudioServer.dll:400D030040A7CD83:40 0D000040A7CD83
;SnR:sys\bin\saAudioServer.dll:400D030050178280:40 0D000050178280

05-07-2012, 04:25 PM
Patch : Remove beep tone while recording calls for Nokia 5320xm (Rompatcher)

This patch remove beep-beep sound while recording calls.
Tested on Ultimate Voice Recorder v6.1.1 while keeping the beep sound to ON.. (Nokia 5320xm Firmware 4.13)

How to Use: just put the "5320xm.rmp" file to E:\Patches

and open RomPatcher and Apply.

; *** Patch: Remove Recording Tone ***
; Author: wadowice
; Date: 15-May-09
; When you record a conversation, then a Tone sound.
; This patch remove it.
; Nokia 5320xm
SnR:sys\bin\saAudioServer.dll:400D030040A7CD83:40 0D000040A7CD83

05-07-2012, 04:26 PM
Patch: Remove Recording Tone for 5800

; for 5800 xm
SnR:sys\bin\saAudioServer.dll:400D0300df:400D0000d f

05-07-2012, 04:26 PM
Patch : Remove beep while recording for N96 (Rompatcher)

Working patch for N96 ..

It eliminates the beep sound while recording calls through any beep recorder.

Tested on Ultimate Voice Recorder v6.1.1 while keeping the beep sound to ON..

Use: Put the "Eliminate Beep Sound.rmp" file to E:\Patches and run it through Rompatcher..

My first Rompatcher Patch.. working on more patches..

Credit goes to wadowice and templove..

; *** Patch: Remove Recording Tone ***
; Author: nicesoni_ash
; Credit goes to wadowice
; Date: 15-May-09
; When you record a conversation, then a Tone sound.
; This patch remove it.
;For N96
SnR:sys\bin\anserver.dll:400D030090477F98012857D00 22855D1:400D000090477F98012857D0022855D1

05-07-2012, 04:26 PM
Bạn chép file này vào thư mục patches trên thẻ
Apply và Add auto
Sẽ hết triệu chứng bíp

05-07-2012, 04:26 PM
ok rồi bạn sài tốt chán

05-07-2012, 04:26 PM
Để dễ dàng cho mọi thành viên khi tìm kiếm giải pháp no beep khi ghi âm.Tôi tách bài của quocgia_n70 (http://www.gsm.vn/forum/main/u63498/) thành 1 chủ đề mới\m/.Chúc mọi người vừa ý khi dùng file patch này :D.

05-07-2012, 04:26 PM
có cái nào dùng cho N78 ko bác? em dùng cái này apply ko đc toàn gạch chéo màu đỏ.

05-07-2012, 04:26 PM
N78 của bạn đây nè!
;N78 v21.002 RemoveRecordTone
SnR:sys\bin\saAudioServer.dll:400D0300CFC45682:400 D0000CFC45682

05-07-2012, 04:26 PM
có cái này rồi thì mấy cái pm bảng quyền hơi mệt đây, bip hay ko bip cũng ko cần nữa